BCARS Meeting Minutes - August 1st, 2024

BCARS Meeting Minutes - August 1st, 2024

August 1, 2024

A meeting of the Bedford County Amateur Radio Society was called to order at 1934 hours at Bedford American Legion by President Zachary Pepple and a quorum was declared.

In attendance were (10):

John KB3DFZ, Zach KC3HKZ, Steve KC3DNB, Kenny WB3JEK, Gary KC3HKZ, Steve KE3ZT, Kip K3IP, Paul KC3ZJP, Ed KC3NAF, Jay K3SCM.

Meeting Minutes were presented by John KB3DFZ. Motion to approve was made by K3IP and seconded by KC3HKZ.

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Steve KC3DNB. Steve discussed various checks received, checks issued and cash deposits. The ending balances are:

Account Ending Balance
Petty Cash $0.00
Checking Account $3,585.11
Savings Account $3,824.64
Total $7,409.75

A motion to approve was made by W3DRW, seconded by KE3ZT. Motion carried. The full treasurer’s report is on file.

Old Business

Lost Turkey Trail was discussed. Volunteers and race participants expressed a lot of appreciation for BCARS at the event. From an operational perspective, BCARS actually operated using primarily the 145.490 repeater and some DMR UHF repeaters, accessed using handhelds. KB3DFZ loaned his DMR mobile radio for the event. The analog 147.150 repeater was available, but not needed. With suitable UHF handhelds and DMR, most of the course can be covered. Skyline drive does require an external antenna or mobile rig.

BCARS Anniversary picnic will be August 17th. Members discussed RSVPs, food and drinks. Zach will reach out for additional RSVP and to coordinate food.

September 7th is the VE session at the American Legion Post 113.

There is no Bike Bedford County this year.

New Business

Repeaters and Antennas were discussed. One antenna at Martin Hill is showing high SWR and needs pulled down for repair and replacement. The club does have a set of non-working antennas with Kip that might be repairable. KB3DFZ reports that Martin Hill 146.790 is still prone to intermod interference and remains set to high squelch.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2000 hours.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Hogenmiller, KB3DFZ BCARS Secretary