BCARS Meeting Minutes - October 3rd, 2024

BCARS Meeting Minutes - October 3rd, 2024

October 3, 2024

A meeting of the Bedford County Amateur Radio Society was called to order at 1930 hours at Bedford American Legion by President Zachary Pepple and a quorum was declared.

In attendance were (16):

John KB3DFZ, Lance H, Zach KC3KHK, Steve KC3DNB, Steve KA3UDR, Steve KE3ZT, Ellis KC3WMI, Bernie W3DRW, Gary KC3HKZ, Kip K3IP, Tom W3SF, Kevin W3XOX, Chris KC3ZKL, Robert KC3SOH, Johanna Rafferty, and Jay K3SCM.

Meeting Minutes were presented by John KB3DFZ. Motion to approve was made by W3DRW and seconded by K3IP.

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Steve KC3DNB. Steve discussed various checks received, checks issued and cash deposits. The ending balances are:

Account Ending Balance
Petty Cash $0.00
Checking Account $4,015.11
Savings Account $3,824.64
Total $7,839.75

A motion to approve was made by KB3DFZ, seconded by W3DRW. Motion carried. The full treasurer’s report is on file.

Old Business

Zach provided an update on the Holiday Dinner, the current head count is 25. Please let Zach know if you will be attending. The dinner is at Hoss’s in Bedford on December 5th at 6:30PM.

Kevin / W3XOX came to talk about the WPA Fall SET exercise. He would like to get back to basics. Pull up an ARES net, contact ARES members, send a log back. No ICS-205 put out on purpose. He also talked about Saturday morning nets. He would like to start turning it from a regular check-in net to a training net. BCARS discussed it and will do firehouse run - visit a firehall and check in. If you can’t visit a firehall, just check into the net. The time is 10am till 11am. KB3DFZ will run the local net, KE3ZT will check for any HF nets.

November 9th is our next VE session and workshop. The VE session is at 9:30AM, the workshop is at 11 AM.

New Business

KB3DFZ gave an update on repeaters. The club still needs to get an antenna repaired for Martin Hill. There was some questions raised previously about known extra Station Master antennas at Martin Hill. These were checked earlier this month and they are tuned for the commercial 151+ band and would require similar amount of work as repairing the station master and vertical dipole antennas the club already owns.

Upcoming Nominations. In November, the club will be nominating officers for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Activities Manager, 1 Year Trustee, and 2 Year Trustee.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2011 hours.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Hogenmiller, KB3DFZ BCARS Secretary