BCARS Meeting Minutes - March 6th, 2025

BCARS Meeting Minutes - March 6th, 2025

March 6, 2025

A meeting of the Bedford County Amateur Radio Society was called to order at 1930 hours at Bedford American Legion by President Zachary Pepple and a quorum was declared.

In attendance were (17):

John KB3DFZ, Gary KC3HKZ, Tom W3SF, Mike W3MRW, Dale KC3NFD, Steve KE3ZT, Bernie W3DRW, Lloyd K3QNT, Zach KC3KHK, Steve KC3DNB, Aden KC3VLQ, Judy KC3VBS, Steve KA3UDR, Ellis KC3WMMI, Kip K3IP, Ed KC3NAF, and Jay K3SCM.

Meeting Minutes were presented by John KB3DFZ. Motion to approve was made by W3DRW and seconded by K3QNT.

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Steve KC3DNB. Steve discussed various checks received, checks issued and cash deposits. The ending balances are:

Account Ending Balance
Petty Cash $0.00
Checking Account $4,025.85
Savings Account $3,826.60
Total $7,852.45

A motion to approve was made by K3IP, seconded by KA3UDR. Motion carried. The full treasurer’s report is on file.

Old Business

Bloody RUn Float Fest is having a meeting March 19th at 07:30 to plan out the 2025 event and asked if someone from BCARS could attend. Lloyd, K3QNT volunteered to attend and report back.

Lost Turkey Trail Race will be held July 26th of this year. The activities calendar is already updated.

BCARS Picnic will be held at Merrit Pond. No date has been selected yet. Zach, KC3KKH will reach out to Merrit’s Pond to schedule an available weekend in August.

New Business

Spring Set is on April 5th from 1000-1200. Ed, KC3NAF attended an online planning session and informed club members of what is known so far. This will be held with The Red Cross Amateur Service, with plans to propagate traffic across the state using VHF repeaters and Winlink. BCARS plans to activate the EOC and a simulated shelter opening. More information will be coming out around March 14th.

Field Day The Blankley Park Picnic area is available for BCARS use for Field Day. KB3DFZ motioned that BCARS have Field day there this year. Seconded by W3DRW. Motion carried.

HF Presentation Lloyd, K3NQT did a very informative presentation on the joys of operating HF and “the antenna is everything”.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2015 hours.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Hogenmiller, KB3DFZ
BCARS Secretary