Membership - Join Us
The Bedford County Amateur Radio Society would like to extend an invitation for you to join us a member. The best way to join is by attending either a meeting or one of our events. This is a club run by and for amateur radio operators. Licensed amateurs can join as a full member entitled to all right of the society. Individuals without a license can also join and support the society as an associate member.
Please feel free to print out a membership application from our site (pdf), fill it out, and bring it along. Membership dues are $20 annually.
FULL MEMBERSHIP is open to licensed amateurs. When the member is in good standing, it shall include all club privileges, and the right to vote on all club issues.
Annual Dues: $20.00
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is open to all other interested parties. Associate members in good standing shall have all club privileges except the right to vote and cannot hold office.
Annual Dues: $20.00
Dues can be paid in person, by mail, or even by via PayPal. If you use PayPal, please pay $22 in order to cover PayPal Fees.
To pay by mail, send a check for $20 to:
PO Box 6